domingo, julho 9

Your Way...

I will cry,
But I have to say goodbye,
It’s not a tear of blood,
Or a tear of saltwater in my eye,
It’s here…deep inside,
That says…How I adore you,
And how much you mean to me…

You will be a great friend of mine…
I have no doubt,
Because in my heart,
Always will be a special place for you,
With confidence, affection, and devotion.

Every time I remember your voice and words,

So pure and blue,
I will look to the sea,
Thinking of me…
And Thinking of you...

These words will hurt you,
I know…
But in this moment….
It’s a goodbye
Not forever… I’m sure
It’s only for a while…

I’ve got a feeling,

I’ve got a feeling so strong,
Maybe someday our paths will cross,
One day in some far off place,
All the rules will bend…
We will drink a cup of coffee,
As you wanted…
And take a view of the sea,
We will count all the stars in the sky,
And take you to a journey,
Around the world,
And back…

Someday…I will find you,
In the ends of the earth,
I’ll get no sleep …to tell you,
I adore you…
And we'll be together eternally...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

A ideia de destino, mesmo que não cumprido neste agora ou nesta vida, mas para ser cumprido...o pacto eterno das primeiras almas que eram uma das outras e que ao longo das sucessivas vivências, obedecendo a leis maiores, foram convivendo, andando de perto, mas sempre com o olhar que se reconhece, que se espera, para se completar...a palavra que usaste "path" é muito forte.

Blogger Sea said...

Those paths will never cross.
You know why?
Because the sea water it’s always changing. Never passes two times in the same place.
You had a chance and blow it away.
The rest? The rest it’s fantasy. Because what it’s real, became reality.
And a friendship needs to be well treated. Not only with words that are planted in a screen. A virtual friend. True friends have a space in our life and we can look them in the eyes.
So, maybe someday you'll understand some of this things.

Blogger Taliesin said...

Destino e "paths will cross"...só sei que as pessoas que entram na nossa vida, têm sempre alguma razão, algum propósito, para tal facto.
Elas encontram-nos ou nós as encontramos, sem querer, não existe uma hora programada para esse encontro.
Assim, tudo o que podemos pensar é que existe um destino. Mesmo que o momento seja breve, com certeza que sempre deixarão alguma coisa dentro de nós...

Blogger poca said...

às vezes... comprometemo-nos com as ilusões...
e doi!

Blogger Taliesin said...

doi e de que maneira...Pain is so close to pleasure...


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